Cuttlefish salad is a very popular dish in Croatia as cuttlefish are more wildly available and less expensive than an octopus. You can also use the same recipe for octopus, the only difference will be in time it takes for the octopus to soften up. Generally, the octopus will take a lot longer to cook than cuttlefish. This is a super easy recipe that comes together fairly easy without too many steps. The key is to use (and we can't stress this enough) Good Quality olive oil as cuttlefish is mild in flavor and the type of olive oil you use will make a huge difference in the taste of this dish. Add as much garlic, onion or parsley as you like.
Personal note: You can add anything that you’d like OR omit from this salad other than olive oil and parsley in my opinion. Many will use black olives which we have not as we are not big fans.

2 lb cleaned cuttlefish
Kosher salt (few teaspoons should suffice)
2 bay leafs
2-3 russet potatoes
juice of one lemon
1 small white or red onion minced to taste
minced garlic to taste
Parsley to taste
Salt and pepper to taste
1/2 a cup + Good Quality olive oil
Add salt to the water and bring it to a boil. Add cleaned cuttlefish and cook for about an hour or till soft. Drain and cool.
Separately in salted water cook unpeeled potatoes until they are cooked but not too soft. We do not want them to turn into mush when we slice them so make sure they are not overcooked. Drain and cool.
Prepare minced garlic, onion, parsley and whatever else you would like to add to your salad.

Cut cooled cuttlefish in cubes and do the same to potatoes after peeling them and put them in together in a large bowl. Add garlic, onion, parsley, and lemon and then add olive oil and gently mix all ingredients together. Keep adding olive oil, salt, and pepper until it suits your taste.

Eat half of it immediately and then call the rest of the family to table….ok, we are kidding but only because we have done this ourselves..lol

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Looks like a great recipe Zeno! Can’t wait to try it.